On 11th April 2015 the Polish sports poker team (Tabu sponsored Poland Team) was defeated 122-98 in the second leg of a friendly match by the national poker team of Lithuania.

The event took place in the Hit Kasino at Krucza Street in Warsaw, Poland.

The Polish team consisted of 12 players and the Lithuanian team of 6 players.

The first six Polish players (beginners) – supported by captain Michal Panek – was defeated by the Lithuanians 24 to 86.

The second six Polish players defeated their Lithuanian opponents  74 to 36.

In the opinion of the training staff of the Polish National Federation, final result of 122 to 98 for Lithuania is quite positive in preparation for the World Championship later this year.

Lithuania was captained by their National Federation president Skirmantas Tomkevicius.

Previously on 21st  March 2011 in Vilnius, Lithuania – the Polish team defeated the Lithuanians 163-125.

The Poker Sports Association is the only legal representative of the sports poker in Poland.

Its purpose is to promote the idea of competition and to create the best team for all kind of poker matches.

Lietuvos Sportinio Pokerio Federacija is the only governing body for the sport of poker in Lithuania.

The Lithuanian team is created by selecting the best (according to national LSPF rankings) players from the year 2014.

IFP would like to congratulate the Lithuanians on their victory and encourage all our members to organise and play amongst themselves!