The Asociacion Deportiva Nacional de Poker (ADNPOKER) was born in February 2016 in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. In Mexico today it is difficult to organize tournaments and live events by current legislation, as the image and culture surrounding Poker is that of a game of chance. Due to this situation the need to form the National Association and be part of the International Federation of Poker (IFP) had arisen. Our aim is to create longevity for poker as a mind sport with recreational values, ethics, respect, skill, dexterity, intelligence and memory development in Mexico, creating a platform for communication between sports clubs and government institutions.
This Association was officially accepted by the International Federation of Poker (IFP) on September 7 of 2016 and founded by Adrian Mariano Braverman, Alejandro Reyes Angeles Casillas and Litcia Esperanza Soto.
The Mexican Series of Poker has been running with the final table being played out at the casino Odissey Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. As well as live events at national and state level with the support of different casinos and sports clubs.
We have the full support of Aconcagua Poker which has had considerable popularity in the country, hosting online satellites to live events across the country – www.mexpokerlive.com
Our short-term goal is to organize an international live tournament in our country to make us known as the official Association and introduce ourselves as an official member of their International Federation.
Administrative Council
Adrian Mariano Braverman (Co-founder) – President
Alejandro Reyes Casillas (Co-founder) – Vice President
Litcia Angeles Esperanza Soto (Secretary)