We are extremely pleased to welcome Belgium to the IFP Family as our 52nd member nation!
Federation Belge de Poker is a non-profit organisation and was established in 2014.
The federation’s mission and purpose is:
– To promote and defend the game of poker in all its variants. – Develop tools for all players to play poker on their means. – Ensure the safety of players in addiction by developing, using and maintaining tools. – Be the reference and the intermediary in poker between the authorities, players, poker event organizers and media. – Ensure compliance with regulations and legislation specific to poker. – To promote poker as a cerebral sport. – Promoting the quality and the transmission of data between its members and other parties, among other supporting administratively and legally the event organizers, – Study, encourage and achieve everything that can contribute to the legal development of the activities of the organizers of poker-related activities. We would like to officially welcome the Belgian Poker Federation to the IFP Family and we are excited to grow this great mind sport even more in Belgium! More info here – https://matchpokerfed.org/member-nation/belgium/ |