Introducing the National Match Poker Team of Denmark that will participate in the 2019 European Nations Cup in Kyiv, Ukraine next month:
Malene Frejvald
39, recreational player
Hometown: Frederiksværk, DK
Profession: Physiotheurapic masseur
Nickname: Frejbassen
Has been playing poker for 15 years. Loves to play QQ and K10 suited. Most of the time she plays in their local club in Frederiksvaerk (John Tøms Poker) – but also play larger tournaments in Denmark – Rozvadov (Czech Republic) and Las Vegas (US).
Lene Olsen
60, recreational player
Hometown: Havdrup, DK
Profession: Medical secretary
Played poker just over 15 years, plays mostly in Denmark, Rozvadov (Czech Republic) and Las Vegas (US).
Jesper Røygaard
46, recreational player
Hometown: Ringsted
Nickname: Sputnik
Call sign sputnik..
“Sometimes i play tight, Sometimes very loose” – Mostly play in Denmark and a little in Sweden – I have played for 20 years
Love to play JT, and hate to play JJ
Zoran Sajn
52, recreational player
Hometown: Frederiksværk, DK
Profession: Translator
Nickname: Bockule
Played poker just over 30 years, plays mostly in Denmark, but has also played a bit in Sweden, Germany and Serbia.
My favorite hand is: 6-3 off.
Kim Olsen
57, recreational player
Profession: Retired soldier
Hometown: Slagelse, DK
Nickname: DJKIO62
Played poker just over 20 years, plays mostly in Denmark, Rozvadov, Spain, UK and Las Vegas.
Knud Adelstorp
55, recreational player
Profession: CEO
Hometown: Copenhagen, DK
Nickname: LEGO
Played poker for 25 year, played poker in Denmark, Sweden, Czech Republik, Spain, Ireland and UK.
Favorite hand: 96 suited in spade.
Henrik Olsen
55, recreational player
Profession: Personal helper
Hometown: Slagelse, DK
Nickname: Dotplaza/Potplaza
I first started playing poker during the “poker boom” in 2005 where I managed to come in 3rd at 888 majors two weeks in a row for about £5,000 both times. Otherwise in terms of placement, it is my 17th place at the Danish National Championship the following year.
John Petersen
Profession: Retired teacher
Hometown: Frederiksværk, DK
Nickname: sakulenil/Vegas Star/John Toems
Played poker in 15 years, mostly tournaments. I have played/won poker tournaments in Denmark, Riga, Latvia, San Giljan, Malta, Rozvadov, Dublin, Ireland, Las Vegas, and Malaga and made FT on a Poker cruise DK/Norway.
“Owner” of a legal pokerclub in Frederiksværk (John Tøms Poker)