The Lithuanian National Match Poker League continued its exhilarating journey on Saturday, 27th April, with the highly anticipated second match day taking place in Alytus. Eight teams from different cities came together to compete in an intense battle of wits and strategy. The event showcased the talents of both seasoned players and promising newcomers, making for a captivating day of Match Poker action.

The first match day had set the stage for an exciting competition, with Team Po Kerais from Vilnius emerging as the victors. Now, as the second match day unfolded, the stakes were higher and the anticipation palpable.

With another 300 hands of Match Poker to be played, the league welcomed a group of new players ready to make their mark. Arūnas Mankevičius, Lukas Gordejevas, Dominykas Chrypa, Kristijomas Radvila, Emilis Marcinkevičius, and Edgaras Grazevičius joined the league, adding fresh energy and talent to the mix.

The day kicked off with Session 1, and it was Poker Garden from Kaunas who took an early lead with an impressive 544.6 points. The competition was fierce, and every decision carried weight as the players vied for dominance.

In Session 2, the battle for the top spot intensified as Po Kerais and Du Karaliai, both Vilnius-based teams, fought for supremacy. Ultimately, it was Po Kerais who finished on top with 565.1 points, showcasing their consistent performance.

The excitement continued to build in Session 3 as the two Vilnius-based teams faced off once again. This time, Du Karaliai took the lead with 495.6 points, demonstrating their resilience and determination.

However, it was not just the individual session results that determined the overall winner. Du Karaliai’s exceptional performance throughout all three sessions, particularly in accumulating chips, propelled them to a final score of 1499.4 points, securing them the victory for the second match day. SPRO from Alytus claimed the second position with 1492.7 points, while Po Kerais from Vilnius finished third with 1482.2 points.

A special recognition was awarded to Arūnas Mankevičius, a debutant for Du Karaliai, who was hailed as the Best Player of the day. His outstanding performance contributed significantly to his team’s success and showcased his skill and strategic prowess.

The Lithuanian National Match Poker League is shaping up to be an enthralling competition, highlighting the passion and talent within the country’s growing Match Poker community. As the league progresses, fans eagerly anticipate more thrilling match days and unforgettable moments of strategic brilliance.

The next match day promises to bring more intense showdowns and exciting battles as the teams continue their quest for victory in this rapidly growing sport.

List of participants:

PO KERAIS (VILNIUS) – Elvinas Vitkevičius ©, Karolis Šlekaitis, Gabrielė Šalčiūtė, Mykolas Pratusevičius, Rapolas Bielskis, Dominykas Matijošaitis

DU KARALIAI (VILNIUS) – Skirmantas Tomkevičius ©, Andrius Pelenokas, Marius Balachovičius, Saulius Podvaiskas, Geraldas Pukelis, Diana Dvelienė, Mindaugas Dvelys, Mantas Urbonas, Arūnas Mankevičius

KOZIRIAI (KAUNAS) – Eglė Geniene ©, Giedrius Genys, Viktorija Grigaitė, Šarūnas Jurelė, Darius Misevicius, Karolina Miseviciene, Marius Vaičiulis, Deimantas Urnikas

POKER GARDEN (KAUNAS) – Lukas Kviecinskas ©, Viktorija Ignatavičienė, Rimantas Ignatavičius, Martynas Gasparaitis, Laurynas Visockis, Erikas Žukas, Jonas Krivickas, Liudvika Sejonaitė, Ignas Akelis, Lukas Gordejevas

VILNIUS JACK HIGH (VILNIUS) – Tadas Šerepėka ©, Žydrūnas Eisinas, Marius Girnis, Tomas Puodžiukaitis, Maksim Jakšanov, Evelina Matelytė, Ervinas Nemero, Dominykas Chrypa, Kristijomas Radvila

SPRO (ALYTUS) – Mantas Remeika ©, Andrius Kiauličius, Povilas Maziukas, Viktorija Balynaitė, Marius Zalieckas, Rimantas Kuzulis, Karolis Plauskas, Vaidas Valiūnas

TILT FOREVER (VILNIUS) – Evaldas Saulis, Artūras Žilanus, Valdas Ulkė, Simas Balėnas, Mantas Marozas, Dainius Ulkė ©, Edita Ulkienė, Šarūnas Stirbis

PPL (ALYTUS) – Linas Jautakis, Raimondas Gurskas, Edvinas Lynge, Deividas Mencevicius, Mindaugas Kazlauskas, Rytis Zilinskas, Tomas Ivanauskas, Algirdas Navickas, Jaunius Mockevicius, Emilis Marcinkevičius, Edgaras Grazevičius