Below is an update from the Confederacao Brasileira de Texas Hold’em (CBTH), IFP’s Brazilian member nation:
The latest year for Brazilian Poker was of great advances, government assistance and support from well-known brands such as SKY TV and DUCATI, hitting new records.
The Brazilian Poker Championship – (Brazilian Series of Poker – BSOP), recognized as the largest and most important series of poker tournaments in Brazil and Latin America, in its 8th season had another year of growth and record players and awards , mirroring the success of the sport in our country.
In Brazil today it is estimated that there are about 4 million people that have some contact with Poker and this volume can be noticedin the final step of the Championship that took place in December 2013.
BSOP Millions (Final Step) had 2400 registered participants for its main event, with a total of 6889 entries in the entire event. With these numbers we had a new Brazilian and Latin American record, also giving BSOP the status of second largest national series of poker tournaments in the world.
In this event we had numerous celebrities participating as Ronaldo “Fenomeno”, and we also had the Minister of Sports in Brazil, the most important member of the government related to the sport in the country, attend the official opening ceremony, supporting, congratulating growth and all the good deeds that sport has generated for the country.