IFMP Presidential Update re Peru Nations Cup

IFMP have unfortunately recently received the letter shown below, from our Peruvian Federation which confirms that Lima, Peru will not be able to host our Nations Cup as originally planned and agreed.

The country is still having political problems and that until a new National Sports Authority has been formalised they cannot proceed with the hosting of the event as foreseen. They have agreed to fund compensation to those nations that incurred costs in preparation for the event and have agreed to work with us for a future event when matters have been regularised.

In the meantime we have started negotiations with a number of potential venues for the current Nations Cup and do anticipate announcing a replacement with dates in the very near future. It is our intent to have this event hosted prior to mid May as we are also keen to get on with the schedule of events for this year and are currently seeking confirmation for hosts for our European, Asian and American events.

We are extremely sorry about Peru, a matter that was entirely out of our control, but now being the officially recognised sport that we are, we need to move forward in a positive vein and secure new hosts for our upcoming calendar of events.

IFMP is aware of the growing concerns over the spread of the coronavirus and has noted the change of location for the upcoming SportAccord conference. IFMP will monitor developments closely, and may consider to delay even later the Peru replacement event so as not to exacerbate any coronavirus concerns.

I will be back to you again shortly with an update accordingly.

Kind regards

Patrick Nally