The Montenegrin Poker Association was formed on 5th August 2013 and officially became a member of the International Federation of Poker (IFP) on 4th September 2013.

The IFP promotes poker and its Match Poker variation as a game of skill and as a mind sport. Having evolved from its original seven member nations to more than 50 federations, the IFP is now the hub for a thriving global poker community.

President of the Montenegrin Poker Association is Zoran Ivanovic. Mr Ivanovic said, “For us poker is nothing but sport. Not just playing but competing, not gambling but to be better than others. We will put all our efforts to make the sport of poker number one in Montenegro.”

CEO of the Montenegrin Poker Association is Aleksandar Sekulovic, born on 23rd of February 1979. He is General Secretary of the Montenegrin Tennis Association. Mr Sekulovic said, “Poker in Montenegro has great history. We want to be able to give our players the opportunity to showcase their talent and skills at international events. We also want to host and organise the largest poker competitions in Montenegro.”

Manager of the Montenegrin Poker Association is Slobodan Nikic. He is the organiser of the largest sport event in Montenegro and Balkan. He is also a manager of WAKO PRO (World Kick Boxing Federation) for Montenegro and manager of Professional Boxing Federation of Montenegro.

The Montenegrin Poker Association can be found online at: