On Sunday, March 17th, the Lithuanian National Match Poker League commenced its highly anticipated second season. The league, featuring nine talented teams from across the country, showcased the skill and strategy of Lithuania’s finest poker players. After three intense sessions comprising a total of 300 hands, Team Po Kerais from Vilnius emerged as the triumphant champions. Let’s delve into the exciting details of this thrilling Match Poker competition.
The Teams and Players:
The second season of the Lithuanian National Match Poker League brought together nine competitive teams, each consisting of skilled players ready to showcase their poker prowess. Here is a glimpse of the teams and their players who battled it out for the coveted title:
– Arnoldas Kolesnikovas
– Nerijus Palubinskas
– Gintaras Janušauskas
– Eugenijus Liesis
– Mindaugas Pakalniškis
– Kevinas Adžgauskas
– Giedrius Šulskis
– Sigitas Vaikšnys (Captain)
– Elvinas Vitkevičius (Captain)
– Karolis Šlekaitis
– Gabrielė Šalčiūtė
– Mykolas Pratusevičius
– Rapolas Bielskis
– Dominykas Matijošaitis
– Skirmantas Tomkevičius (Captain)
– Andrius Pelenokas
– Marius Balachovičius
– Saulius Podvaiskas
– Geraldas Pukelis
– Diana Dvelienė
– Mindaugas Dvelys
– Mantas Urbonas
– Eglė Geniene (Captain)
– Giedrius Genys
– Viktorija Grigaitė
– Šarūnas Jurelė
– Darius Misevicius
– Karolina Miseviciene
– Marius Vaičiulis
– Deimantas Urnikas
– Lukas Kviecinskas (Captain)
– Viktorija Ignatavičienė
– Rimantas Ignatavičius
– Martynas Gasparaitis
– Laurynas Visockis
– Erikas Žukas
– Jonas Krivickas
– Liudvika Sejonaitė
– Ignas Akelis
– Tadas Šerepėka (Captain)
– Žydrūnas Eisinas
– Marius Girnis
– Tomas Puodžiukaitis
– Maksim Jakšanov
– Evelina Matelytė
– Ervinas Nemero
– Mantas Remeika (Captain)
– Andrius Kiauličius
– Povilas Maziukas
– Viktorija Balynaitė
– Marius Zalieckas
– Rimantas Kuzulis
– Karolis Plauskas
– Vaidas Valiūnas
– Evaldas Saulis
– Artūras Žilanus
– Valdas Ulkė
– Simas Balėnas
– Mantas Marozas
– Dainius Ulkė (Captain)
– Edita Ulkienė
– Šarūnas Stirbis
– Linas Jautakis
– Raimondas Gurskas
– Edvinas Lynge
– Deividas Mencevicius
– Mindaugas Kazlauskas
– Rytis Zilinskas
– Tomas Ivanauskas
– Algirdas Navickas
– Jaunius Mockevicius

Mindaugas Pakalniškis with his trophy for Best Individual Player
The Competition:
The second season of the Lithuanian National Match Poker League featured three gripping sessions, each comprising 100 hands. The teams battled fiercely, employing their strategic skills, analyzing opponents, and making calculated decisionsto gain an advantage in each hand. As the hands progressed, the tension and excitement grew among the players and spectators alike.
After 300 intense hands of Match Poker, Team Po Kerais from Vilnius emerged as the deserving champions. Led by their captain, Elvinas Vitkevičius, the team displayed exceptional teamwork, strategic acumen, and a keen understanding of the game. Their collective efforts and skillful play propelled them to victory, securing the prestigious title for their team and city.
The league showcased the depth of talent in Lithuanian poker, with each team demonstrating their dedication, knowledge, and passion for the game. The players exhibited a remarkable level of skill, making calculated moves, and adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of the competition.
A total of 6 match days will be held at different locations across the country, culminating in the creation of a new Lithuanian National Team! The next match is on the 27th of April in Alytus.
- Session 1 Scores
- Session 2 Scores
- Session 3 Scores
The Impact:
The Lithuanian National Match Poker League serves as a platform to foster the growth and development of Match Poker within the country. By organizing such leagues, the Lithuanian National Federation aims to promote the sport, provide opportunities for players to showcase their abilities, and create a sense of camaraderie among the poker community.
Furthermore, the league serves as an inspiration for aspiring poker players, offering them a glimpse into the competitive world of professional poker and motivating them to hone their skills and strive for excellence.

Top 6 performers
The kick-off of the second season of the Lithuanian National Match Poker League marked a significant milestone in the country’s poker scene. With nine teams competing fiercely, the competition showcased the talent and determination of Lithuania’s finest poker players.
Congratulations to Team Po Kerais from Vilnius for their impressive victory and commendable performance throughout the league. As the Lithuanian National Federation continues to organize such events, it is evident that poker in Lithuania is thriving, and the future holds great promise for the growth of the sport.
The success of the league not only celebrates the triumph of individual teams but also highlights the collective passion and enthusiasm for Match Poker within Lithuania. It reinforces the belief that poker is more than just a card game—it is a strategic sport that demands skill, resilience, and a love for the game.
As the Lithuanian National Match Poker League looks forward to future seasons, the anticipation and excitement among players and fans will undoubtedly continue to grow, further elevating the status of poker in the country.